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Low growth in the textile industry: raw material costs and other major pressures


Abstract: From the first eight months of 2011 to the first eight months of 2014, the industrial added value of textile enterprises above designated size increased by 10.7%, 10.8%, 8.3% and 7.4% respectively at constant prices. In the first eight months of 2014, textile enterprises above designated size The main indicators have fully entered the single digit growth,From 2011 to the first eight months of 2014, the industrial added value of textile enterprises above designated size increased by 10.7%, 10.8%, 8.3% and 7.4% respectively at constant prices. In the first eight months of 2014, the main indicators of textile enterprises above designated size It has fully entered single-digit growth, with revenue from its main business up 8.2% and exports up 5.7%.?The data changes indicate that the Chinese textile industry has entered a cycle of rapid growth to medium-speed growth, and has begun a new phase of deepening the structure and accelerating transformation and upgrading.?Realistic pressure?Under the impact of rising costs and the appreciation of the renminbi (6.2199, 0.0229, 0.37%), the pressure on the Chinese textile industry to participate in international competition has increased significantly. However, due to the increase in the added value of export products and the opening of emerging markets through corporate foreign investment and trade activities, the international market share of China's textile and apparel industry remained stable at around 37%.?Zhang Yansheng, secretary general of the Academic Committee of the National Development and Reform Commission, told the Economic Observer that China’s economy will enter a new normal and foreign trade will enter a new normal. Since 2005, China’s textile and garment industry has experienced three major shocks, such as the appreci...

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