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What is the fabric of ice silk cotton?


Abstract: Ice silk cotton, also known as "silk cotton", is made from natural cotton skin and has the characteristics of good air permeability, automatic humidity control and slow sunshine heating. The ice silk pad is similar to the linen cool pad, but the hand feels softer and the color is very elegant.Ice silk cotton, also known as "silk cotton", is made from natural cotton skin and has the characteristics of good air permeability, automatic humidity control and slow sunshine. The ice silk pad feels very similar to the linen cool pad, but the hand feels softer and the color is very elegant. Ice silk also has anti-mildew, insect-proof, anti-static, no radiation and other effects.Ice Silk Cotton is a fabric for knitted apparel. It is made of 70% viscose filament and 30% nylon yarn.After weaving, it is wet-treated to produce a sharp shrinkage of the thermoplastic nylon component, and the adhesive is sufficiently exposed to the surface to make the interior hydrophobic and the exterior hydrophilic.The clothing woven with this kind of yarn is cool and wears, so it is called "ice silk".Ice silk cotton is also called rayon. Viscose. Viscose filament.Among several mainstream fibers, the moisture content of ice silk cotton is most in line with the physiological requirements of human skin. It has the characteristics of smooth and cool, breathable, antistatic and colorful. Of course, the summer is hot, and any clothing can't resist the temperature of the sun. "Ice silk has the essence of cotton. The quality of silk is an authentic ecological fiber. It is natural and better than natural."

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